Maryland Virtual Hybrid (Online) Handgun Qualification License Training Your browser does not support the video tag.
The classroom portion will be delivered Virtually through the Google Meets platform. Students will need access to a Smartphone with a working camera or a computer with a webcam set up to participate in the class and interact with the instructor. By order of the MD State Police - "Virtual HQL training will require a real-time, bi-directional audio and visual connection between the QHI and the students. Pre-recorded presentations of any form are not acceptable." Additional information regarding the virtual class will be sent upon checkout.
Maryland Handgun Qualification License – Minimum 4 hours of instruction by an MSP Qualified Handgun Instructor and it includes the following minimum curricula:
State of Maryland firearm laws: Overview of the State firearms laws, including discussion of what constitutes a regulated firearm, how to properly purchase or transfer a firearm, where allowed to carry or transport a firearm, when necessary to possess a carry permit, who is prohibited from possessing firearms, State law relating to minors, permissible levels of force and the use of deadly force.
Home Firearms Safety – Overview of handgun and firearms in the home, including discussions of access to minors, locking, and storing of firearms, use of safety devices, such as lock boxes and gun locks.
Handgun Mechanisms and Operation – Overview of the proper operation and safe handling of a handgun, including cleaning and maintenance, the loading and unloading of ammunition safely and the differences between revolvers and semi-automatic handguns.
Operation and Handling Demonstration – Orientation component that demonstrates the person’s safe operation and handling of a firearm, including a “LIVE FIRE ” component in which the Applicant safely shoots the weapon. An Applicant may not be required to fire more than 15 yards during qualification.